Banana Pie

Finally, my childhood dream came true. I mean just partially which I might be able to complete before my next India trip.

Ever since I had my first pie and cake, I always wished to have it prepared at home. Not that I am a good chef, but I just wanted to see how it tastes given that I prepare it from scratch by myself.

So this weekend I made Banana-Pie. Given my first experience, it was not all bad. I don't really have anyone around me to give judgement, so how would I frankly know of it?

Recipe is simple. You will need whole wheat flour, bananas, yellow color, eggs and few decoration food items to sprinkle over the top of pie. You will also need an over pre-heated to 350F.

Thanks to Allrecipes How to make a Banana Pie was main source of recipe this time. Video is no nonsense, keen and apt to the recipe and instructions. I loved it. The banana pie I made was even better by my estimation.

Here are some of the photos. I kept adding decorations to it in successive photos. Believe me, banana pie is the same. It's just I kept adding bunch of stuff on the top of it.

Plain Banana Pie

Banana Pie and Strawberry syrup on the top

Banana Pie with lemon pieces on the top

Banana Pie Landscape mode

Banana Pie with carrot and sweetened coconut flakes on the top

I loved this pie plus my decoration. Thanks to the video mentioned above which did a great job of elucidating recipe as well as a decoration on the top of it.

Keep cooking and I will write a blog post about my first ever Cake very soon!