App Rejected - Metadata invalid

Alright, this is quite frustrating. I got an email this morning from Apple's app review team that I have new message on the developer portal. I was quite elated to see that. (Not sure why, because message on the developer portal always means your app is rejected and they put in on a reason why so.). As expected, I logged into the portal. And saw Not the app, but Metadata was rejected.

As an enthusiastic developer I wrote following text as an app store application description,

This app is in beta phase. We are continuously improving the product. Any feedback, suggestion, critics or feature requests welcome

Now yes, this is my first version of app store submission and I am planning to release more bug free improved version in the future. This was not really 'The Beta version' par say, but beta just in my context. But looks like the word Beta Phase seems to have tripped Apple folks. That is so disappointing.

If it will help any of you, to quote from Apple official guide on app submission to the App store,

Apps that are "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected. Beta Apps may only be submitted through TestFlight and must follow the TestFlight guidelines (Source Functionality -> 2.9)

Update :
As usual, I did not dare to mess with lord Apple. I went home, updated the build (Believe me it's exactly the same build with no functional changes whatsoever. The only thing I did was removing words like beta, initial phase from the app and app store description). Submitted this build to an app store the same night.

Last I checked, the build was still 'Waiting for Review' in Apple terminology. Hope it gets passed within next week. Frankly, I do not see any reason for them not to accept the build this time