Decode HTML entities in the iOS

While working on one of our legacy projects, I came across interesting (Re: Code smell) code. We were getting HTML encoded strings in one of our content call. We just avoided to load this on UIWebView
[web loadHTMLString:[HTML String] baseURL:[Project base URL]]
Pro tip : We usually leave set the
most of the time. However, there could be instances where you would want to utilize it. Say you have image file in your project namedawesomeImage.png
and you want to display it onUIWebView
using HTMLimg
tag as
<img src='awesomeImage.png'/>
You can easily do that by filling in
parameter in theloadHTML
method as follows :
NSString* bundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSURL* baseURLForBundle = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:bundlePath];
[webView loadHTMLString:@"
" baseURL:baseURLForBundle];
Now you can easily load local image on the webview
Too much of a digression, but back to the future main point
The reason being this title was added as a child of UITableViewCell
on the UITableView
. I we thought adding UIWebView
on the cell could be quite expensive operation in terms of scrolling as number of cells grow in size. Thus what I followed couple of years back is manually decode the string by keeping mapping of encoded entity to decoded value like,
& -> &
I know, I know this is kind of terrible way to do it. Today while I was going over it, I realized that neither this nor UIWebView
solution was feasible
NB : Out project targets towards iOS8 SDK
I was determined to fix this bug for good. Thanks to Google, after few seconds of searching I found this StackOverflow answer which I got working. So here's a gist how you can do it. (As quoted from the same answer)
NSString* htmlString = @" & & < > ™ © ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦";
NSData* stringData = [htmlString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary* options = @{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute:NSHTMLTextDocumentType};
NSAttributedString* decodedAttributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithData:stringData options:options documentAttributes:NULL error:NULL];
NSString* decodedString = [decodedAttributedString string];
And that's it. You get all the HTML entities converted to actual characters as pointed. I am not really sure performance hit for using NSAttributedString
object. But it looked quite flexible on the UITableView
using >100 records.
Guess I know what I am going to do next time I encounter HTML encoded string right from the remote API