Introducing Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee on a blog
I have been writing this blog for the past 6 years. During this time, I focused mainly on tech, but also occasionally wrote on other topics such as travel, food, and management. I put a lot of time and effort into creating these blog posts and I hope they're helpful to readers.
Recently, I introduced Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee features on my blog. The reason is, that I am trying to recover a website hosting cost and deliver the best content to my readers. I have another job on the side which takes a significant amount of time, but I also work take out time to work on blog articles during weekdays and weekends.
If you, as a reader like the content on this website and find them helpful, please consider supporting my work on Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee. Your support will keep me going on this journey. I am also open to suggestions and based on your feedback, I will make sure to regularly publish articles you will like.
As my gratitude for your support for my work, I am open to suggestions from you about the next topic I should write a post on. It could be iOS and tech development, career guidance, job search, tech management, handling complex projects, travel (currently limited to the Amsterdam area), or food (Especially Indian food).
Your support will be a big boost to my morale and motivation to keep delivering this work.