Minesweeper game on iOS

Few months back I working on the classic game of Minesweeper. I have been playing that game from the childhood so it was even more fun to write the game and virtually bring that to life. The history since I first wrote the code for this game goes long back to more than a year. However, only after some time I seriously started working on it as a game which could be released on the app store.
I have already release this game to the app store. It's completely free of cost. You can download it Directly from the store. Play with it and let me know how you like it.
So far I have devoted significant amount of time towards its development and it was worth it.
It has following features and some of them are added in the recent version
- Support for dynamic board generation
- Scroll support in case board size is greater than standard iPad screen size
- Cheat mode to reveal all the mines
- Standard scoring based on the tile revealed and present stage
- Choice to select varied difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Difficult and Expert)
- Verify function - While game is in progress, user can click verify button any time to check if there is a win or the game is still in continuation
- Support for dynamic background color change for game board. (Courtesy of https://github.com/hayashi311/Color-Picker-for-iOS)
- Support to store and view past scores along with player names
- Easily customizable game settings (Tile size, gutter spacing, sound and timers)
- Support to Save and Load games locally
- Dynamically create a board of any size and difficulty level based on the expertise
- Application is device agnostic. It will work on almost all iPhone and iPad devices without causing any visual glitch
I am looking forward to hear from you. Support is provided so that you can directly submit your feedback through an app. Let me know if you have any feature requests that can be added in the future releases.
Following is an image I am using it as a store app icon for game. It was taken as a screenshot from one of my test games.
This app is completely open source. If you want to play with it for personal use, you may download the source code from Minesweeper game GitHub page. However, if you are not using source code just for a personal use - please make sure to get my written permission before you decide to make a clone, update with your changes and ship the similar version to the app store.