Using Global .gitignore on Mac

If you're a Git user, there is high chance you might be using .gitignore file to ignore certain files from being committed into your remote repo. Now, .gitignore file differs for different languages, frameworks and packages.
If you have several repositories maintaining multiple .gitignore
files for them could be painful. Worst case, you can have multiple .gitignore
file for several projects spanned across file system. Thanks for efforts of Git team, it is possible to maintain the global .gitignore
file with common configuration across different projects.
For example, you may have projects in Swift, Objective-C, PHP, JavaScript or Ruby. You can maintain a single .gitignore
with multiple rules combined in one place. Every time you commit, the global .gitignore
will be referred and used.
First off, create a .gitignore_global
file in the root directory of your project.
vi ~/.gitignore_global
Add some valid rules to it
Save the file content and exit. Now run the following on the command line
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
This will enable Git to mark this file as a global .gitignore which will subsequently be used to mark files to ignore in case no local .gitignore is found.
However, if you have both global and local .gitignore
files, your git commit will take union of two files to decide which files to ignore. For example, let's assume you have git repo with 3 files.
- sample1.txt
- sample2.txt
- sample3.txt
Now, let's see. Global .gitignore
file specifies to exclude sample1.txt
, local .gitignore
file specifies to exclude sample2.txt
. Thus the combined rule becomes exclude both sample1.txt
and sample2.txt
. Next time you commit, only sample3.txt
file will be committed (Along with .gitignore
unless it's been committed before) ignoring other two.
This should be it as long as basic understanding of creation and usage of global .gitignore
file goes. If you want more information, you can always refer to GitHub official documentation on .gitignore
files and also play with varied configurations.
However, use the global .gitignore with care and caution. It's super convenient when you're working alone. But in team environment it's possible everyone has their own copy of
and this has a potential to cause conflicts. The reason being global.gitignore
is essentially local and personalized version of regular.gitignore
. The best way to handle this conflict in team environment is to maintain local.gitignore
file in every repository. That way if another team member makes changes to file, you will know which files to ignore in the next commit as long as you've pulled those changes from the remote branch
GitHub official documentation